Sunday, December 7, 2008

Hamburger Casserole

Major Comfort food!

Now I know it might look that glamours but it is very good and a great food storage meal. Also my kids love it. Thanks to my Mother-in-law Becky for introducing it to me.

1 pound Of ground beef
1 can of tomato soup
1 can of Green Beans
1 can of corn
Mashed Potatoes for top (you can use real or fake. I really like the brand Idaho, butter and herb.)
Shredded Cheese

Brown ground beef and drain fat. Add soup, green beans, and corn. Pour into a casserole pan top with potatoes and cheese. Bake at 350 for 20-30 mins. Serve it with some french bread.

**I just tried putting in a bread bowl and it was Delicious.